Theodore R. & Vivian M. Johnson Scholarship

The Johnson Scholarship, funded by the Johnson Scholarship Foundation, is a competitively awarded program which is available to undergraduate students with disabilities with financial need who enroll in a State University System of Florida (SUS) institution. This scholarship is for students with a high school GPA of 2.0 or a UWF GPA of 2.0. Applicants must be Florida residents and provide documentation of a disability, a 500 word written statement, 2 letters of reference and enrolled a minimum of 9 hours.

Please Note: The Application Deadline for this scholarship is April 15st, 2023.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please provide disability documentation of the nature and/or extent of a disability.
  2. Please provide a personal statement pertaining to your achievements, activities, career goals and the effects of your disability in obtaining these goals. (no more than one double spaced page)
  3. Please provide a letter of reference addressing your academic success and potential for the Theodore R. & Vivian M. Johnson Scholarship.
  4. Please provide a letter of reference addressing your academic success and potential for the Theodore R. & Vivian M. Johnson Scholarship.